Pickleball League Play
Ladies Ladder League
Looking for competitive pickleball play? Join one of our ladder leagues for weekly matches to improve your game and grow your pickleball community.
Pickleball Individual Ladder League Guidelines:
Please arrive 5 minutes before Ladder begins
Inform the front desk if you will be late
Inform the front desk if you will miss a ladder date
Subs will be permitted however, their points will not be counted towards your percentage
You are allowed 3 misses without your percentage being adjusted. On the 4th missed day your percentage will be adjusted -10%
Scores are calculated by the total points you accumulate during the 5 rounds each day divided by the total point you can accumulate that day. See algorithm example below:
Game 1: 60/60 = 100%
Game 2: 60/60 = 100%
Game 3: 38/60 = 63.33%
Aggregate Score: 158/180 = 87.78%
Play Format:
Upon arrival you may enter a court to begin a 5-minute warmup
After the warmup, score cards will be distributed and ladder numbers assigned.
Mark your name and number on the score card.
Typically, there will be 5 rounds of play at 12 minutes per round.
A timer will be set for 12 minutes with 10 seconds to enter the courts and determine which team will serve first. The serve can be determined by one team rotating a paddle with the other team guessing “up or down”, or one team hiding one or more fingers behind the paddle for the other team to guess. The team that guesses correctly decides if they want to serve first, and the other team chooses what side they prefer to start.
The first point should not be started until the first buzzer sounds to begin the 12 minute round.
The final point must be completed at the final buzzer at the end of the 12 minute round.
At the end of the Ladder League, the player who reaches the #1 standing with the highest percentage will receive a gift basket.
Sub Players: (Wednesday Ladder League only)
Inform the front desk if you are unable to play on a given date and have obtained or need a Sub
If you obtained a Sub provide the Sub’s name to the front desk. Please try to obtain a Sub who is at the appropriate level for your ladder and inform the front desk
Inform the front desk if you are unable to play on a given date and have been unable to get a Sub. If you are unable to obtain a Sub, a Sub may be selected from the approved Sub list
All Subs will be assigned to the lower numbers on the Ladder on the date they are playing, and all regular players will move up to the open slots in the general order of their positions on the Ladder
Sub scores do not count toward players’ total scores
Our League Play Offerings:
Wednesday 3.0 Ladder League
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
$195 for 9 weeks
Friday 3.5 Ladder League
Time: 12:30pm-2:00pm
Start Date: Nov 10
$175 for 8 weeks
Registration for the March - April Ladder League opens February 1st at 9am
Register for Pickleball
To register for pickleball, please use our RacquetDesk court management program.
New players will need to create an account through RacquetDesk to register for the season.
If you already have a RacquetDesk account, please login to register for the season
Once you have logged in to RacquetDesk, go to Activities then Adult Clinics to register.
Call 973.507.9412
Email talk2us@strandtc.com