Junior Tennis Clinics

Junior Tennis Clinics

  • Fall: September 4 - December 10

  • Winter: December 10 - March 18

  • Spring: March 19 - June 29

Young woman tennis player getting ready to hit a ball

Join us from September 4th to December 10th for our Fall Junior Tennis Schedule and December 11th to March 18th for our Winter Junior Tennis Schedule. We provide clinics from ages 4 and up. Whether you're picking up a racket for the first time or looking to refine your skills, our program caters to all levels: Rookie, Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Please see our Winter schedule below.

Our Offerings

Clinics will not run on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, or New Year’s Day, however court time is available to rent.

12-Week Session (applicable to Winter Wednesday clinics due to Christmas Day and New Year’s Day closures):

  • 60-minute clinics at $468 ($39/class)

  • 90-minute clinics at $612 ($51/class)

  • 120-minute clinics at $864 ($72/class)

13-Week Session (applicable to Fall Thursday clinics only due to Thanksgiving Day closure):

  • 60-minute clinics at $507 ($39/class)

  • 90-minute clinics at $663 ($51/class)

  • 120-minute clinics at $936 ($72/class)

14-Week Session:

  • 30-minute clinics at $308 ($22/class)

  • 60-minute clinics at $546 ($39/class)

  • 90-minute clinics at $714 ($51/class)

  • 120-minute clinics at $1,008 ($72/class)

Spring Junior Tennis Clinic Schedule

Ages 4-5

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
MondaysAfternoon1:30 PM2:00 PM30 Minutes
TuesdaysAfternoon1:30 PM2:00 PM30 Minutes
WednesdaysAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
SundayMorning11:00 AM11:30 AM30 Minutes
SundayMorning11:30 AM12:00 AM30 Minutes

Ages 6-7

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
MondayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
TuesdayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
FridayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
SundayMorning10:00 AM11:00 AM1 Hour
SundayMorning11:00 AM12:00 PM1 Hour

Ages 8-10

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
MondayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
TuesdayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
WednesdayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
ThursdayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
FridayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
FridayAfternoon5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
SundayMorning10:00 AM11:00 AM1 Hour

Ages 11+ Beginner

Working on getting the ball in play; knows fundamentals but strokes still need form correction; learning to judge where the ball is going; and can sustain a short rally.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
ThursdayEvening5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
FridayEvening5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
SundayAfternoon12:00 PM1:00 PM1 Hour

Ages 11+ Futures

Stroke consistency is developing; learning to add power, spin, and directional control; learning to serve consistently; and can sustain a rally at a medium pace.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
MondayEvening5:30 PM7:00 PM1.5 Hours
TuesdayEvening5:30 PM7:00 PM1.5 Hours
WednesdayAfternoon4:30 PM6:00 PM1.5 Hours
ThursdayAfternoon5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
ThursdayEvening6:00 PM7:00 PM1 Hour

Ages 11+ Challengers

Serves consistently and plays matches; learning anticipation; hits with medium pace with directional control; working on shot variety and footwork.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
TuesdaysEvening5:30 PM7:00 PM1.5 Hours
SaturdayAfternoon1:00 PM2:30 PM1.5 Hours

High School Doubles Strategy

In preparation for doubles play on their school teams, the high school players in this class will learn the ins and outs of doubles strategy and teamwork, with a focus on aggressive net play.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
ThursdayEvening7:00 PM8:30 PM1.5 Hours
SundayAfternoon2:00 PM3:30 PM1.5 Hours

Reserve Your Player’s Spot for the Spring




Winter Junior Tennis Clinic Schedule

Ages 4-5

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
WednesdaysAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
SundayMorning11:00 AM11:30 AM30 Minutes
SundayMorning11:30 AM12:00 AM30 Minutes

Ages 6-7

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
MondayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
TuesdayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
FridayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
SundayMorning10:00 AM11:00 AM1 Hour
SundayMorning11:00 AM12:00 PM1 Hour

Ages 8-10

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
MondayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
TuesdayAfternoon4:30 PM5:30 PM1 Hour
WednesdayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
ThursdayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
FridayAfternoon4:00 PM5:00 PM1 Hour
FridayAfternoon5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
SundayMorning10:00 AM11:00 AM1 Hour

Ages 11+ Beginner

Working on getting the ball in play; knows fundamentals but strokes still need form correction; learning to judge where the ball is going; and can sustain a short rally.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
ThursdayEvening5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
FridayEvening5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
SundayAfternoon12:00 PM1:00 PM1 Hour

Ages 11+ Futures

Stroke consistency is developing; learning to add power, spin, and directional control; learning to serve consistently; and can sustain a rally at a medium pace.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
MondayEvening5:30 PM7:00 PM1.5 Hours
TuesdayEvening5:30 PM7:00 PM1.5 Hours
WednesdayAfternoon4:30 PM6:00 PM1.5 Hours
ThursdayAfternoon5:00 PM6:00 PM1 Hour
ThursdayEvening6:00 PM7:00 PM1 Hour

Ages 11+ Challengers

Serves consistently and plays matches; learning anticipation; hits with medium pace with directional control; working on shot variety and footwork.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
TuesdaysEvening5:30 PM7:00 PM1.5 Hours
SaturdayAfternoon1:00 PM2:30 PM1.5 Hours

High School Doubles Strategy

In preparation for doubles play on their school teams, the high school players in this class will learn the ins and outs of doubles strategy and teamwork, with a focus on aggressive net play.

WeekdayTime of DayStart TimeEnd TimeDuration
ThursdayEvening7:00 PM8:30 PM1.5 Hours
SundayAfternoon2:00 PM3:30 PM1.5 Hours

Reserve Your Player’s Spot for the Winter


